Monday, December 15, 2008


I know it's been a while but we had to get a new camera so i haven't had time to take or upload any pics. Its a good camera but still trying to figure out how to get natural lighting pics without them being blurry. I love the decorations in our house and wish they could stay up all year round-they give me such a warm feeling. Geo seems to be getting the holidays-ever since his second birthday anytime he sees a candle or balloons he sings Happy Birthday. He sand the song all day long when we told him it was my mother in laws birthday-he was so excited...He's doing great on potty training-which is good-maybe we'll get him out of diapers long enough that he won't revert back once the next one is born.We took pics with Santa, he wasn't scared just cautious. He smiled but it wasn't a real smile kinda like "ummmmmm ya who is this guy again"? But we got it done anyway.
I'm feeling good sometimes bigger than others-my stomach keeps getting rounder and rounder. I've only gained 12 lbs to date which is great but I think I'm starting to see my cheeks chub up. After seeing old pics of when I was preggo with Geo i don't want to look like that again.
Geo was supposed to be taking a nap...
We took Geo to see the lights at Tradewinds

Boys cuddled up watching a Christmas special

The day we went to see Santa but he liked the train much better.

My new hair color-every year i have to change it up for a couple of months for a change.


Pattie M said...

We hope you have a Very Merry Christmas!!!
Pattie & Rob

Amy said...

Okay- so now I am like totally jealous that you color your hair every few months! Looks great- I really need to do that! Amy