Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Overall we had a good Christmas. I was so excited that Geo actually "got it" this year. He watched (and continues to watch) Polar Express which i think is the epitome of Christmas spirit and youthfulness. Two weeks after Christmas and he still thinks Santa's coming again... We had Rich's oldest sister and her son come to visit for two weeks so Geo had a playmate. It was fun. Now that it's January i can't believe little Isiah will be here in less than 3 months. Time will fly. We have to sort Geo's clothes by size and switch the furniture in the two rooms. Mentally I'm ready. My friend just had her baby girl and i went to see them in the hospital. So sweet little babies are. Well i put a few pics up so those who don't get to see me often can have the inside scoop at how big i actually am. I've only gained 18 lbs in 7 months so its not too bad-but i have a lot of work ahead of me to get back to pre-Geo weight!
Best wishes to all and a healthy 2009!!


Pattie M said...

Wow I can't believe you are 7 months along already!! I can't wait to meet the new baby!!
Looks like you had a GREAT Christmas. I hope 2009 brings lots of Joy & Happiness to your family.

Pattie M said...

Hey - I thought you were going to give your blog a new look!!