Sunday, October 5, 2008

Geovannis is getting so big!

Geovanni is getting so big. I'm glad this pregnancy happened when it did, because it gave us time to spend "quality time" with him. We're able to watch him grow and learn and he's able to have had us to himself at least for two years. He knows there's a baby in my belly but i don't know if he realizes what that means. He amazes me everyday with something new he says. The other day he got in the car and said clear as day-"mommy is it 4:00" what!!!! But he's learning and absorbing everything.
the following are just some random pics i thought I'd post to show how big he is getting. We went to the beach last Sunday for a little while-he loves the beach. He actually took the picture of Rich and I, and then last ones are typical boy playing outside with his favorite-sticks! We were sitting outside and he found this stick and thought it should go on his head! The first day he did it i laughed and was so caught up in the moment i forgot to take pictures-so we went out the next day and he found the same stick and up on his head it went. So many funny things he does-sometimes i just don't remember to take the pictures.
Well i hope you all enjoy my big boy-i know we do!

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