Oh Boy We're In The Terrible Two's!
Geovanni is such a fun child. But he's definitely TWO! Yesterday Richard he told me of Geo's day. First when playing in his room he became quiet. Rich went in to check on his because he was too quiet. He had gotten a hold of my bottle of Tums and had dumped them all out on his bed. When he heard daddy coming he covered the mess with his sheet!Rich said when he asked him what he was doing Geo faced him and said-Goooooo (in his uh=oh I'm in trouble whiny voice) with his arm behind his back-hiding the Tum's bottle. Funny kid, and we're not sure where he learned the hiding things.
Next it was nap time-or he was supposed to be napping. Geo is trying to potty train-he doesn't want to sit in his messes any more but he's not telling us when he needs to go. So he takes his diaper off and tries too clean himself up-25 wipes later and a mess all over his room-is how daddy found him. Then when Rich was trying to pre-pare dinner Geo tried to help. He got the base of my magic bullet (off the counter my climbing on an empty o.j. jug) and was standing over the trash trying to peel a potato. What a good boy!!
So these "precious"moments will be logged into his baby book-typical two's but funny none-the less!
1 comment:
Gio - Is such a cutie pie!!
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