So he wanted to help do the dishes-start them while they're young. We loved the foamy blogs-what a big difference from getting hit in the head with one of those from a wooden one. Geo thought the box that they go in was pretty cool- a new way to watch TV or his other mode of transportation. He's quite the character. Still in good health, weighs 30lbs and is 36 inches tall. He is in the 90% for height and the 75% for weight. Ya he's going to be a tall one. The past couple of days though it seems he was either bit by something around his eyes, or his allergies are acting up. We're noticing darker circles under his eyes.
He gets into major trouble at home though. makes such a big mess with everything. We pretty much leave his room the way it is-cuz he'll mess it up as soon as you clean it. He is in the terrible two's. Poor daddy..
Well I will post more on the house as it gets closer to closing. I don't want to post anything now-fearing i'll jinx the progress.