I'm feeling good sometimes bigger than others-my stomach keeps getting rounder and rounder. I've only gained 12 lbs to date which is great but I think I'm starting to see my cheeks chub up. After seeing old pics of when I was preggo with Geo i don't want to look like that again.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Pumpkin carving and more...
So I'm 4 months pregnant with my second, and am having some back pain. Hopefully I can find some ways to stretch it out or i'll be in trouble when this big belly doubles in size...Here are just a few pics of us, Geo building, and Richard and Geo carving the pumpkin. This is Richards first attempt at carving a pumpkin and I think he did a great job! 

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
We took Geovanni to his first pumpkin patch and he was so excited!! He saw the pumpkins from the car and was elated. MOMMY LOOK PUMPKINS!!! He said as he tries to get out of his car seat. He kept picking up the pumpkins and throwing them (nicely). That day was the first day that he didn't freak out in the bounce house (also the first one that hasn't collapsed on him), so we had an icy, picked out the perfect pumpkin to carve and left. Fun time!

Geo was supposed to stick his face in-but this is Geo's version.

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Geovannis is getting so big!
Geovanni is getting so big. I'm glad this pregnancy happened when it did, because it gave us time to spend "quality time" with him. We're able to watch him grow and learn and he's able to have had us to himself at least for two years. He knows there's a baby in my belly but i don't know if he realizes what that means. He amazes me everyday with something new he says. The other day he got in the car and said clear as day-"mommy is it 4:00" what!!!! But he's learning and absorbing everything.
the following are just some random pics i thought I'd post to show how big he is getting. We went to the beach last Sunday for a little while-he loves the beach. He actually took the picture of Rich and I, and then last ones are typical boy playing outside with his favorite-sticks! We were sitting outside and he found this stick and thought it should go on his head! The first day he did it i laughed and was so caught up in the moment i forgot to take pictures-so we went out the next day and he found the same stick and up on his head it went. So many funny things he does-sometimes i just don't remember to take the pictures.
Well i hope you all enjoy my big boy-i know we do!
the following are just some random pics i thought I'd post to show how big he is getting. We went to the beach last Sunday for a little while-he loves the beach. He actually took the picture of Rich and I, and then last ones are typical boy playing outside with his favorite-sticks! We were sitting outside and he found this stick and thought it should go on his head! The first day he did it i laughed and was so caught up in the moment i forgot to take pictures-so we went out the next day and he found the same stick and up on his head it went. So many funny things he does-sometimes i just don't remember to take the pictures.
Well i hope you all enjoy my big boy-i know we do!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
First pictures of the newest Chambers baby
So we had our second ultrasound and all went well. This was the first time Richard has seen his second child in the womb but my second. Geovanni came along and was very cute! When they squirted the gel on my belly he hoisted up his shirt and said "mommy lotion"-wanting some on his belly too! He proceeded to ask me when the nurse was jiggling my belly to get the baby to take its chin off of its chest-he asked me if i was ok. The nurses laughed and assured my two year old that they were not hurting his mommy. Over all the baby was super cute-sucking its thumb, bouncing up and down and even one point turning all the way around in a circle. The highlight for me is the last picture. After much jiggling the baby snapped its head around as to face the "camera" to say-"Hello I'm in here-i see you". Such the front shot of the baby's face. For those that have not seen these in a while, or ever-the first is a 3/4 view the two dark beadie spots are the eyes, with a complete view of its foot. The second is a side shot the arm closest to the camera is stretched up and behind its head-must be nice in there-to be relaxing. The third is my favorite-a head on shot of the head-again the two dark spots are the eyes and there is a perfect shot of the skull.
The best part is that i go back to have my second ultrasound on Nov.13th. My mom will be visiting so she'll be there by my side when we will find out if its a Girl or a Boy!!
Well we're excited and ready for this second one. Hopefully this baby will be as good as Geo was. But we'll take a healthy one either way.

Well we're excited and ready for this second one. Hopefully this baby will be as good as Geo was. But we'll take a healthy one either way.
Monday, August 25, 2008
It's time to potty
no picture with this post-just to say that i think Geo is potty training himself. The whole weekend he'd take off his diaper and insist that it stay off. So we enforced that he needed to make sure he went to the potty. Day 3 and no accidents yet. He even climbed up on the big potty-even sitting the correct way,he used his potty to get up. We just have to keep an ear when he is in the bathroom by himself cuz one time he had the whole roll of TP unrolled. Other than that he went outside with us while I mowed the lawn and Rich tied up the trees-without a diaper and didn't have any accidents! So although i'll probably jinx it-i'm making a trip to Walmart to get him some big boy underwear.
I know everyone is real interested in this post topic so i'll keep you all update!
I know everyone is real interested in this post topic so i'll keep you all update!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Having such a good time in the new house
So we're almost all unpacked, just a few boxes here and there that i'm procrastinating putting away. We've already had the family over twice and everyone had a blast. The pool still hasn't cleared up but its safe to swim in. Geo's having a great time some mornings he'd be in the pool at 8:30 AM with no clothes on We've been to clean out the old apt. but still have at least one more run (with two cars) to go. One never knows how much stuff they have until they move. We're excited to have our house warming soon!
I posted bigger pics because my friend Patty said she'd need to borrow glasses to see the last ones. Here's for you Miss Patty!

I posted bigger pics because my friend Patty said she'd need to borrow glasses to see the last ones. Here's for you Miss Patty!
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