I've always been a very success driven woman. Always had a path in mind and did whatever I could to accomplish the goal I had set out to accomplish. Through grade school I always achieved high grades and was generally a "good girl" for my mom. Through high school and college I worked two jobs while maintaining those good grades and keeping a healthy social life. Almost 3 months from graduating college in MA I decided to change paths and my journey led me here to South Florida. I worked at McDonald's through most of my life and enjoyed the interaction with people and learned a lot about different things. After many years of working in the stores I got the opportunity to do Marketing for a large Franchisee. I too learned a lot there-never having had any marketing experience I feel that I picked it up quickly and was successful there too! Through a friend I heard about JM Family- a place to better myself a better work environment than what i was currently in. So I did some research and took the chance. I applied and got the job! So just like that I up and left McDonald's and ventured on to bigger and better things.
Within just a few weeks I feel in love. WOW what a great place to work-just like their website had said! I loved it I got treated really well, paid well and felt respected. I loved going to work everyday,loved the people I worked with and felt like I would work there forever. The money was great and within the first 3 months of me being there I got more in bonus money than I had ever gotten at the last job-life at JM was great.
Having the extra income allowed my husband and I the opportunity to start the house hunting process. Four months later and we found our home. Great place just for us-definitely not out of our means-comfortable and a good place for us to raise our family.
Things were good-life was stable. But the economy was not.
I a newly 30 year old young lady whose family was just getting the start they needed....
No offense to anyone but i always thought people who were in there late 60's and at a company for many many years got laid off-not me. That's just what i thought that's what I always heard of growing up-never young professionals...
My world was turned upside down on March 2nd when the famous JM Family laid me and 499 other people off. What made the situation even more difficult was I was 9 months pregnant!
So my determined self the " go getter" that I was went straight home on that dismal day and tried to get on the net to find another job. 9 months pregnant silly me no one would hire me even if they wanted to...
Now JM took good care of their employees-but having only been there a year and a half-I wouldn't be taken care of for long. So with a new mouth to feed and not having been in our home for a year I tried my best to stay calm and relaxed to finish my pregnancy off to bring a healthy boy into the world. And indeed he did- Isiah came into this silly economy safe and healthy exactly one month later....
From the day i got laid off til now I've worked extremely hard on getting my resume and myself prepared for this new job market to find myself a job as soon as I gave birth. Started putting resumes out there shortly after bringing my little boy home from the hospital just because I've never not had a job and the thought of it scared me.
My husband was and has remained VERY supportive. Never once saying anything about the thought of being unstable or not being able to pay our bills. He always reassured. I treasure that and know that this experience has made us that much stronger. But how was I to assure myself?
This "go getter" this balls to the wall girl whose always got what she strove to get? It still bothers me to this minute not being able to "provide" for my family. Not being able to carry my own... How did this happen.
I loved JM I loved the lunches I loved the drive to work, I loved the people-those people who made me feel so good about myself, made me feel like the work I did was appreciated. The company that furthered my life to buy a home and get a taste of the "American Dream".
The market is scary out there very scary. And many tried to tell me to enjoy the time i had with my boys. To cherish my young sons infancy for it'll be gone before i realize-how could I? Those people were not paying my bills-those people HAD jobs! Funny. And those "friends" i had at JM. Well some tried to still B for a few weeks after i left but I guess they still had there jobs and like many that got cut with me-if they didn't see you on an everyday basis-then that was it.
Many months later I'm still putting about 4 resumes a week out there and Still not getting any calls back.
In this time off that I've had I've tried to lower our interest rate for our mortgage under Obama's new plan. And basically if we don't pay our mortgage for 3 months then they'll talk to us but as long as we're paying there not helping... Ha isn't that the way he intended this plan to work? I think not.
So for everyone that still has a job. For those that get up to go to work every day. I commend you. Hold tight, live wisely. Think of those that got "laid off". Think when you are having that "bad day" at work or hate Monday mornings-think of us who have always strived to better ourselves-those that have worked 2 jobs and always thought they'd be employed forever=
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Just catching up-with new pics
I haven't posted in a while so i thought I'd catch up. Just some random pics of me and the growing belly, my cute son, and my 30th Birthday. It was nice to have a few friends over to celebrate. I didn't mind turning 30-everyone has to at some time.
This is me trying to get some sun on my white belly. It was funny-mid January and i called my mom to tell her i was sunning by the pool. She proceeded to tell me to shut up that she just got inside from shoveling (in Mass.)
While we were putting Isiah's things in his room Geo was brought back to memory lane. He's such a happy kid.
Geo in his bike riding gear that grammy bought him...
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Overall we had a good Christmas. I was so excited that Geo actually "got it" this year. He watched (and continues to watch) Polar Express which i think is the epitome of Christmas spirit and youthfulness. Two weeks after Christmas and he still thinks Santa's coming again... We had Rich's oldest sister and her son come to visit for two weeks so Geo had a playmate. It was fun. Now that it's January i can't believe little Isiah will be here in less than 3 months. Time will fly. We have to sort Geo's clothes by size and switch the furniture in the two rooms. Mentally I'm ready. My friend just had her baby girl and i went to see them in the hospital. So sweet little babies are. Well i put a few pics up so those who don't get to see me often can have the inside scoop at how big i actually am. I've only gained 18 lbs in 7 months so its not too bad-but i have a lot of work ahead of me to get back to pre-Geo weight!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Pumpkin carving and more...
So I'm 4 months pregnant with my second, and am having some back pain. Hopefully I can find some ways to stretch it out or i'll be in trouble when this big belly doubles in size...Here are just a few pics of us, Geo building, and Richard and Geo carving the pumpkin. This is Richards first attempt at carving a pumpkin and I think he did a great job! 

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
We took Geovanni to his first pumpkin patch and he was so excited!! He saw the pumpkins from the car and was elated. MOMMY LOOK PUMPKINS!!! He said as he tries to get out of his car seat. He kept picking up the pumpkins and throwing them (nicely). That day was the first day that he didn't freak out in the bounce house (also the first one that hasn't collapsed on him), so we had an icy, picked out the perfect pumpkin to carve and left. Fun time!

Geo was supposed to stick his face in-but this is Geo's version.

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